Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to solve puzzles

Interested in solving single player puzzles such as "Sudoku", "Rubik's Cube", "Missionaries and Cannibals", "Traveling Salesman Problem"? Try out my newest project, JSimpleAI. For a detailed description, check my blog post on How to solve puzzles

How to solve puzzles

I recently came across this puzzle called as frog leap. Its an interesting puzzle, so, I sat down trying to solve it. I quickly lost my patience, and being a computer science student, decided to write an AI to solve it. It just took me 20 minutes to write an AI that solves this puzzle! boy am i glad not to have wasted my time thinking about the puzzle.

I decided to go ahead an start a project that allows you to solve single player puzzles such as "Sudoku", "Rubik's cube", "Missionaries and Cannibals problem", the notorious euclidean traveling salesman problem etc.. Its called JSimpleAI and is open sourced @ I currently implemented TSP and Frog Leap solvers as demos. I'll be more than happy if any of you are interested in implementing suduko, rubiks cube etc..For the algorithmically oriented, you can implement SMA* algorithm. Think about the number of people that can benefit from this!

I am very proud of the project logo that i chose:

It shows the search landscape and the local optima's. Cool isn't it!

In case you're wondering about the solution for frog leap, there are two of them. Here is a screenshot from JSimpleAI. It took 0 secs to solve it! Why dont you go ahead and try writing a code to solve missionaries and cannibals problem? It'll be fun

Monday, April 12, 2010